How Can I Earn More Money with SEO?

We’re in the business of direct response marketing. We love a well crafted call-to-action. A subject line that makes us click? Forget about it. We love the art of marketing, and it’s why we do what we do—day in and day out.

But we don’t have any illusions about the reality of business. If you want a bigger budget, more resources, and support for your team’s marketing efforts, you need to deliver results. So whether you’re a CMO or a small business owner just looking to maximize your marketing efforts, you probably have one question on your mind. How can I earn more money with my marketing?

As far as organic leads go, search engine optimization (SEO) holds a lot of potential for ROI. If you’re looking to earn more money with SEO, we can help guide you through a few tips to leveraging it.

3 Ways to Earn More Money with SEO

1. Tailoring Your E-Commerce Sales

If you own or operate an E-commerce website, SEO can help you break through the noise and drive new sales.

To identify new product avenues that are ripe for sales, simply do keyword and audience research to see how your customers are searching for various products. For example, if a keyword has high search volume but fewer search results, it could be a sign that fewer companies are selling this product despite the market interest.

So if something like “home gym floor mats” fits in with your E-commerce offering and seems to have a high search volume but low number of competitors, it could mean it’s a good product to add to your store.

2. Leverage Your Blog

If you own a business, you probably have a blog. And leveraging your blog is hands-down one of the best ways to earn more money with SEO.

Performing keyword research around your business, as well as your products or services, can help you identify topics and questions that your potential customers are likely asking. By writing to those questions, you not only can be discovered by new potential customers, but you can help direct those customers into your sales funnel.

Try adding a strong CTA to the bottom of your article. Or add an email capture tool and let them sign up for your waitlist! The sales don’t have to start and stop with your blog.

3. Offering your SEO Skills as a Service

This point may not be for the CMOs out there, but never say never. As we all know, search engine optimization skills don’t grow on trees. The proper research and training to truly master SEO fetches a high price, whether full-time or on contract. And there are many ways to leverage those SEO skills as a service for profit.

If you mostly put your SEO skills to use as a side hustle, why not tack on another? Add SEO consulting to your service offering and see how that can help you grow your income.

If your business deals intimately with SEO, perhaps there are methods to offer those services to clients. For example, a web design business that offers SEO content might be able to boost income by building in optimized content into the site.

The Potential of SEO for Your Sales

Whether you’re an independent contractor, a freelancer, or a CEO, there is nothing but potential to unlock through the power of SEO. By understanding the many ways through which you can earn money using search engine optimization, you can diversify your earning potential and transform the future of your business.

SEO is your path to ROI. It just makes cents.

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